Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Masterclass in how to miss the political opportunity

There's always a danger that assuming the role of a Minister can lead to public statements and interviews being overly influenced by the civil service at the expense of making easily understood political points (dare I say political capital). From 6:00 a.m. today Good Morning Wales gave significant prominence to the story that proposed Assembly legislation on school transport was being criticised by campaigners for failing to address safety issues. By the time Ieuan Wyn was interviewed just after 8:00 the image had been built of an Assembly Government that was ignoring the opportunity to enact something that makes common sense and would be widely applauded. Ieuan had the opportunity to put the record straight and advance political objectives at the same time. It's really very simple. What he should have said is

"...of course we agree with the campaigners. The safety of our children is paramount. But because of the anomalies in our piecemeal devolution settlement the power to change this provision still rests with Westminster. It's illogical and frustrating, but that's the position we're in. I am taking action to change this, and expect the necessary powers to be transferred very soon. Then the Government in Wales will be able to act, and we will act decisively. This is one of very many examples of how the Assembly is currently hampered in achieving what's best for the people of Wales by a flawed devolution settlement..."

Instead of this we had words to the effect of "...I've taken legal advice and we can't do it... I've asked for the powers to be transferred but I don't know if they will be or when..." Defensive and ineffectual. Administratively correct but politically impotent. Ministers - even Deputy First Ministers - shouldn't acquiesce with the weaknesses of the system they operate within. They are entitled to express frustration. The leader of a party dedicated to changing that system radically has a duty to express that frustration and to go on the offensive to illustrate how things could be different. There is nothing incompatible between the roles of responsible Government Minister and radical politician.